Why Moms Need Islands of Peace and How to Incorporate Them Into Your Day
Yesterday was the Monady-ist Monday that we have had in while. We had a whiney three year old whose world was falling apart at every turn. There was a list of things that was supposed to be done before we left the house. And we ran out of chocolate chips, because stress eating caused by said toddler’s numerous meltdowns. So, we took some time for a reset and made sure that we all had islands of peace in the midst of that crazy day. We ate an early lunch, the younger two took naps, the older two had rest time, and mom got a power nap and then some reading and decluttering time.
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When I was dealing with extreme anxiety about nine months after the birth of my fourth son, my functional medicine chiropractor told me at several visits that I needed to make sure that each day included at least one Island of Peace. Moms especially, he said, need those moments throughout the day.
It’s true. Research has shown over and over that women are chronically stressed, struggling with trying to balance work, family, home, marriage, etc. and that our hectic pace in life is doing damage to our physical health. Not only does our physical health suffer, but our relational health can start to suffer as well. We will be more annoyed with our children and spouse, easily frustrated when things aren’t going the way that we think they should, and just have a horrible attitude about everything. If we want to thrive in motherhood, we need to make sure that we are creating moments that help us to feel like we are. This is where Islands of Peace come in.
What is an Island of Peace?
Islands of Peace are simply things that rejuvenate you. So, right now, lets brainstorm some things that leave you feeling rested and energized. For me, and possibly you, they include:
- Exercise
- A handcraft like knitting, crocheting, cross stitch, etc
- Reading
- A hot cup of tea or coffee
- Power nap
- Long HOT shower
- Organizing and decluttering
- Bible study
Some other things may be:
- Catching up on a favorite show
- Time in nature
- A walk with your littles
- Candle or incense burning
- Arranging flowers
- Journaling
- Prayer and meditation
- Drawing or Painting
- Listening to a podcast or audio book
How do I fit an Island of Peace into My Day?
Instead of trying to randomly fit these moments of peace and rest into your day on a day by day basis, schedule them into your week.
You can start with one per day, and work your way up to three or more. You don’t need to be alone to do these, you can include your littles and your husband, but while you are doing them, take the time to enjoy them and be in the moment.
Living in the moment will probably mean that you need to put your phone away. Getting rid of the phone release you from the grasp of the world and allows you to actually live and relax.
Taking a walk with your family gets all of you into nature and can give you a moment to reconnect after a busy day. Instead of relying on your phone camera to make memories for you, take the time to breathe in deeply the smell of the damp earth, listen to your children’s laughter, try to pick out the bird calls that you know.
Create a morning routine, or an evening routine where you can automatically have one or two islands of peace.
If you are a homeschooling momma, you could have a morning basket time, an afternoon tea time, or a set aside time before nap to knock out a few of these with your littles. Have some tea, read some books {here are a few of our favorite for three to five-year-olds}, journal, or read Scripture.
Take a bath after the littles are in bed, and listen to your favorite podcast.
Islands of Peace aren’t only for moms, your children could use them too. If it is ax extra stressful or hectic day, send everyone to their own room for half and hour or so. Give the children books or puzzles to look at, or use quiet time boxes. Everyone will benefit from the time away from each other, and you will all have better attitudes when you come back together.
How do you incorporate Islands of Peace into your day?
Do you know a momma who needs some Islands of Peace? Please share this post with her, or pin it on Pinterest!!
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