Have you been struggling with clogged milk ducts? Do you have spots that get tender and sore to the touch when you wear an underwire bra? Do you get those spots when you try to sleep on your belly, or you wear a sports bra for an extended period of time? Many things can cause clogged milk ducts, and this is my story of using a natural remedy to resolve clogged ducts.
This past weekend we spent two days living, breathing, and watching basketball. My husband is the assistant coach for a local homeschool varsity basketball team and we were at the beginning of the state title tournament. It was a long, but fun weekend. It didn’t turn out how we expected, as one of our team’s better players injured his ankle in the first three minutes of the first game, he couldn’t play the rest of the weekend and is hoping to be able to move enough to be able to play this coming weekend, at theย national regional tournament. We didn’t make it to the state finals like we had expected but it was still so much fun!
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Earlier in that week I had noticed that I was getting some clogged milk ducts. I had really wanted to sleep on my belly, and I hadn’t done it in a long, long time, so I decided to go for it. But looking back, I think that it caused those clogged ย milk ducts for me. ๐
Natural Remedies to Eliminate Clogged Milk Ducts
Before we left I tried all of my standby natural remedies to eliminate the clogged ducts:
*dangle feeding
*hot compresses + hot shower before nursing
*frequent nursing
*breast massage
*increasing fluids
*changing nursing positions
But for the first time these natural remedies didn’t work for me, and I was not looking forward to a busy weekend breastfeeding a eleven-month old who pops off every time he hears or sees something interesting, and trying to deal with a plugged milk duct.
{Cameron has never done well with a nursing cover. He is a very touchy, cuddly boy and always wants to see my face, pat my cheek, hold my hand, etc. Covers just haven’t been worth it with him because any coverage we would have gotten using them is immediately ruined when he flings the cover off to find my hair. If you do see me nursing Cameron, you aren’t going to see boob all over, it is possible to nurse modestly without a cover. That said, if there are other men around, besides my husband and family, I will go into a different room or a corner away from a lot of activity, just because I find it more comfortable for myself.}
I generally try to find a quiet place where we can sit, nurse, and cuddle. Pretty difficult in a building where the are over eighty basketball teams and hundreds of families. So we headed to the bathroom and found a comfy spot in a corner. Cameron nursed for a minute or two, watched the girls and women come and go, and then ate some more. I chatted with other mommas who “remembered those days”, and who gave me the sound advice to “remember every minute”. Then the sweetest older lady came in, took one look at us and said, “You don’t have to hide in here honey! There are lots of chairs out there! You can feed him out there, nobody will mind.” ๐ Breastfeeding mommas will appreciate this with me because it is always nice to hear these kinds of remarks. I wasn’t really hiding in the bathroom, if Cameron wasn’t a social nurser I would have beenย out there, but to hear those words made my day. Thank you women, and men, who encourage young mothers to breastfeed. Thank you for helping others to realize it is normal and that breastfeeding is nothing to be ashamed of or hide.
We were in the bathroom a lot those two days. At eleven months Cameron still nurses between five to six times a day and once or twice at night. I was nursing him on the side with the plugged duct, and trying the remedies that I mentioned above, and still nothing was helping. So I talked to my mom, who is a Certified Childbirth Educator and blogs over at Childbirth World, what else to try. She recommended using cabbage leaves. I had ever only heard of cabbage leaves being used to help dry milk supply, not to eliminate clogs, so I went to do it {obedient daughter that I am} but I also wanted to know more about the science behind it. I didn’t find much in the way of science, though the last link does have a few studies and their results, but here is what I found:
*Home Remedies for Clogged Milk Ducts
*Natural Remedies for Mastitis and Blocked Ducts- Holistic Squid
*Cabbage Leaves for the Prevention and Treatment of Engorgement
How I Used Cabbage Leaves to Eliminate My Plugged Milk Ducts
Tired of getting clogged milk ducts? Check out this natural remedy that you've probably never heard of! #breastfeeding #crunchymom #naturalremedies Click To TweetAbout ten to fifteen minutes after I put the first leaf on my breast and nipple felt tingly, hot and then sore. It continued to throb randomly over the next six hours. I am now a believer in cabbage leaves and whatever healing properties they may have. I used three leaves over six hours and my clog was gone. To relieve engorgement, plugged milk ducts, and mastitis using cabbage leaves you just follow these instructions:
*take off the outer couple of leaves
*place a cold leaf around your breast concentrating on the sore area
*wait until it the cabbage leaf wilts- usually between one and two hours
*replace if you are still having symptoms
That’s it!!
glad it helped! sometimes things that work do sound kind of strange though ๐
If it worked and then the duct plugs again a couple of days later, how long before one should get it looked at? How long is it safe to have a clogged duct?
I love your honesty. ๐ I have heard about the cabbage leaf remedy – so glad it helped you! I can’t say I’ve had any random people offer up any encouragement in particular but I have been finding people to be quite open and personable whether it’s a London Drugs employee joking with me about the music playing or the librarian being helpful with my disorganized situation at the front desk. Sometimes, even things like that are all the encouragement you need ya know?
I like to read honest blogs, so I try to keep mine as honest as possible. ๐
Whenever I hear encouragement for random people it makes my day, my whole week. ๐
I actually had a great weekend. Sewing class for the girls, took the oldest to a skate park. Hubs got to spend some much needed time with the kids on Sunday. Those women coming into the bathroom with the “remember every minute” advice, I so agree with them. One thing I have learned is to enjoy every minute as much as I can, these times go by way too fast! I miss nursing and cuddling with my babies.
I love it when the hubby takes the boys for a while. I love watching them play. ๐
I get sad every time I think of weaning my youngest, it is probably still a ways in the future, but it is sad anyways.
Sorry about the clogged duct. I once had that problem in the early days. Pumping helped me, as I massaged it, and a hot bath. But if it ever happens again I will remember cabbage! At 20 mo we are still breastfeeding a lot (I don’t really keep track of how often, it is also a comfort thing every time he cries!). I also feel more comfy slipping off to another room, as much as people seem to be encouraging.
I breastfed both of my kids, and I did have a clogged duct during the process. Luckily warm water did the trick — eventually. I didnโt know about the cabbage leaf remedy. Iโll share it now that Iโm aware.
It worked really well for me. I did have a reoccurance the next week on the other side and cabbage helped clear that plug as well.
Oh man. I had mastitis a few times pretty badly with my first son, but (knock on wood) I haven’t gotten any clogged ducts this time around!
well I’d never thought of that! I’ve heard of using cabbage leaves for engorgement, but never for clogged ducts! I’ll have to keep this piece of info in my back pocket in case it happens with my current nursling.
YES! Great tips and incredibly important for BFing moms to know about!!
Clogged Milk Ducts are the WORST. I remember literally crying in the shower and manually trying to force milk out of my ducts to ease the pain. I had heard about cabbage leaves but didn’t think it worked. Now I wish I could have tried that!
Love these tips! Hopefully it won’t happen with baby #2, but now I’ll be ready. ๐
i am expecting baby number 2 soon so it’s perfect time for me to read this! Great tips!
Great tip! I’ll have to remember it if I ever have issues in the future.
That is a nifty trick ๐ Engorged breasts while breastfeeding is terrible to go through.