{Affiliate links are included in this post. Affiliate links do NOT change the price that you pay but I will get a small compensation if you choose to buy something through this site. I only choose products I love and that I think you will love too!}
You may have read in my bumpdates for BabyT#3 that I am still trying to maintain an exercise routine and schedule during this pregnancy. My hope is to workout 4 times a week, 2-3 workouts using the following DVDs and 1-2 run/walks.
While exercise in pregnancy shouldn’t be about how far or fast you can run, how many reps you can do or how little you gain, it should be about doing something that makes you feel good, a choice for better health and the best possible start to motherhood.
Exercise during pregnancy can lead to shorter labors, a quicker recovery period after birth and it can make it easier to lose weight after birth as well. When you exercise during pregnancy you still release endorphins which could help your mood to improve. That “runner’s high” could leave you feeling like you have more energy and any cardio work that you do will definitely help during the marathon of labor.
By making the choice to continue, or start, a workout routine during pregnancy you are making a choice for a healthier you while pregnant and that will help your baby as well.
If you haven’t been exercising regularly before pregnancy I would not recommend starting with all of these DVDs. Most of them are for women who are already working out before pregnancy. Always talk to your doctor or midwife before starting an exercise routine during pregnancy. Most would recommend that you start out with walking or swimming as these can be more gentle on your body.
Why are these the best prenatal workout DVDs?
With these workout DVDs you get a variety of exercise and every pregnant momma will find something she likes with this collection. You have stretching, pilates, barre and yoga. There is cardio, weight work and dance. Using these DVDs will help you to stay fit and have a healthy pregnancy.
Here are some of the BEST workout DVDs for pregnancy: {In my opinion of course :-)}
1.Barre Amped Sleek and Toned Prenatal Workout~ Suzanne Bowen
I have always wanted to try a barre class but don’t want to drive one hour there for a class. This workout DVD solved my problems. 🙂 This DVD by Suzanne Bowen is one of the newest of my collection and by far it is my favorite. There are several different workouts on the DVD to choose from. You can do one or more. As I have been doing it more often I am getting stronger and am now able to do more than one workout at a time. But don’t worry if you only do one you will still feel like you got in a good workout. The times of these single workouts are short, perfect for busy mommas.
2.Suzanne Bowen’s Long and Lean Prenatal Workout
This DVD has a really good stretching section and a good body weight section, but I can’t do any of the Mat Work on it because of my elbow. {hopefully getting fixed after BabyT#3 joins us} Again this DVD is broken up into sections so if you are rushed for time you can do one part, or if you have a less hectic morning you can get a great total body workout.
3. Expecting More- Sara Haley’s Daily Sweat Pregnancy Workouts
I got this DVD when I got pregnant for Cameron and I was so excited to pull it out when we got the new that BabyT#3 would be joining us this year. The workout that I use the most on this DVD is the Sweat Strong. It is fun and easy to learn. If you are into hip hop dance {it reminds me of a zumba class, except I just don’t have hip-hop moves and rhythm} is a workout for you called Sweat Funk. I’m not very good at that one… There are six full workouts on 2 DVD’s so although the price might seem high you are getting a lot for your money.
4. Baby Bells the Fit Pregnancy Kettlebell Workout ~ Lauren Brooks
One of my Christmas requests was a kettlebell. Guess what? I got a little ten pound bell. I was so excited! Except I really didn’t know what to do with it. Now I do. 🙂 This workout DVD is made up of three short circuits. You will repeat each circuit once before moving on. I must admit I haven’t been able to do all the repeats. I went half way through the first day I tried and the next two days I waddled around like a women who was 38 weeks pregnant not 15. I learned my lesson and have been slowly building up to doing the complete workout. I’m almost there! The filming isn’t the best and the mic is muffled sometimes, but overall I would recommend this pregnancy kettlebell workout to anyone…with a warning to start slow if they have never used kettlebells. 🙂
5. Buns of Steel Pregnancy and Post-Pregnancy Workouts
This prenatal workout DVD is an oldie, but a goodie. 🙂 I think my mom gave me this one when I was pregnant with Seth-boy. I didn’t think I would ever use it, {’cause I had seen some of those other “Buns” workouts…} but I did finally end up pulling it out and I was really impressed with it. This is very similar to the Barre Amped workouts in its strength portions but it also has some cardio as well.
There you go! My favorite prenatal workout DVDs. If you have liked what you read go ahead and share it with some other mommas. Don’t forget to Pin it for the future!!
What about you?
Did you workout during your pregnancy?
Are you just getting over morning sickness and want to start getting back into a workout routine?
Hopefully this list gives you a good place to start!!
Thanks for the recommendations! I’m in my third trimester and I’ve been really focused on making sure to keep my workouts up. I have been going to my friend’s barre class and love it so I’m definitely going to have to try that first one for when I can’t make it out. Pinning!
I love the barre DVD! I have always wanted to take a class but we live to far away from any I can find. 🙁
Oh, thanks for pinning!! 🙂
Those are great recommendations. I wish I had this list when I was pregnant. I will be sure to share this with friends!
Thanks for sharing Theresa! 🙂
Buns of Steel! I have one of those workouts on Video tape…even though we no longer have a VCR. It’s so good that you’ve been keeping active during your pregnancy. If I ever have another baby, I’m going to make sure to do the same. Thanks for the reviews!
You’re welcome! I was actually thinking of you the other night when I woke up with some Braxton Hicks that took my breathe away. I was immediately thinking Shann’s babies made it, if we have a baby now he can do it too. Thankfully they went away after I drank three glasses of water. I must have just been dehydrated.