Simplifying Your Spiritual Life
Did you know the first week of August is Simplify Your Life week? Yes, I know that the week is already over and gone, but we can always use some simplifying in our lives. As mommas, wives, homemakers, any person in all actuality, simplifying our lives is good for our spirits, our physical and mental health, and for those that we care for. And if you are in the season of littles right now, you may need to think about simplifying your spiritual life.
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Why do we need to simplify our lives?
Let’s start with our spirits. God did not intend for us to live with stressed or disturbed spirits, if our souls are stressed or disturbed then there are probably some issues that we need to deal with.
One of these issues can be simply not having enough time to rest. If we go all the way back to the beginning, we were given the example of a day of rest; A day of refreshing. (Gen 2:2) This break was so important to God that he gave the Israelites a command to enjoy Abba and their families. That day was set aside to remember the holiness of their God. (Ex 20:8-11.)
This is an excerpt from my journal, shortly after being diagnosed with Adrenal Fatigue:
“I need to slow down, enjoy God, Ben and my boys. I need to put away all unnecessary things and deal only with what is needed right now. I need to rest in my Abba and know that he will give my strength to get through each day. I need to give myself grace, work on being patient and enjoying the moment. Stop rushing.”
{This breakthrough in thinking was incredible for me. The thought that I simply didn’t have to do things just because, that we could enjoy these summer days and not rush through them trying to fill them up anymore than they already were; That we could say no to things. It brings peace. It refreshes me. Coming this realization was….aaaaaahhhhhhh. Rest.}
We must simplify our lives, so we can rest!
Back on topic now.
Jesus says (Matthew 11:28-30, The Message), “Are you tired? Worn out? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me- watch how I do it. Learn the enforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Anytime we can get away and spend time with our Creator is good for our spirits. We do not have to spend hours alone in prayer and Bible Study. Yes, those things are good, but the busyness of babies and toddlers can interrupt that. And as one who believes that my calling right now is motherhood, I give priority to that rather than an hour spent alone in prayer. However, I do believe that God needs to be involved in our daily lives, and the good news is we can accomplish both mothering and time with God while training our little ones.
Is the task of watering and fertilizing your soul something that overwhelms you right now? Mothering littles is hard and stressful as it is. Why not take a step back and simplify your spiritual routine and, at the same time, use these ideas to include your children in your act of worship?
Is the task of watering and fertilizing your soul something that overwhelms you right now? Mothering littles is hard and stressful as it is. Why not take a step back and simplify your spiritual routine and, at the same time, use… Click To TweetHere are some ways to simplify your spiritual life:
-Read Bible stories with your children as part of your daily routine. Now we don’t do this every day, but we are working on it, and it will have a little more priority once school starts in a couple of weeks. But, when we do, it is usually before nap or bedtime. You’ll be amazed at what a two or three-year old actually picks up on.
–Listen to hymns or praise and worship music. Anywhere, in the car, while cleaning, to dance to if you are so inclined.
-Pray with your children. Make it more than “bless this food to our bodies, help so and so to feel better.” Teach them how to really and truly call on the God of the Universe. If you are like me it will be good practice for you to, praying aloud in public is definitely low on my comfort level list.
Your devotional/prayer life does not have to be glamorous and hours long. It can be simple and a few minutes here and there throughout the day. {Check out this list of practical ways to be Mary while living in a Martha season!} Where else will our children learn to spend time with God, if we as mommas and parents are not showing them?
Want to learn about prayer with your children? Why not do this FREE study with them?
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I do feel privileged you sharing a part of your journal with me. I have been saying that I need to buy some children’s gospel cd’s for Madison to listen to. She loves music but that is one genre that I don’t have. I do have for me but not for her. I don’t read Bible stories as much as I should and I think I need to do it more.
I know…. I always start the day with good intentions to do one reading every day and then things happen. One of the boys wakes up or the phone rings…
There are some great CD’s out there for kids. One of Seth’s favorites is the Wee Sing Series. You’ve probably already heard of them, but if boy check those out. Madison might like them too. 🙂
It’s so easy to get caught up in the busyness that we forget to rest, and in doing so forget to enjoy life going on around us. I’ve felt the need to sit back and do this again for a while, and I took some opportunities to do so this past week. It really was refreshing – and I still managed to get things accomplished – maybe not all and maybe not perfectly, but well enough. 🙂
I took the boys on a couple of walks this week and Seth was constantly reminding me to slow down and look at things. I never realized all the things I would learn from my children.
Thanks for the reminders.
Life With Lorelai
I really like what you share here! With littles, it can be difficult to squeeze in those quiet times, but reading Bible stories, listening to worship music, and praying with your kids is great for discipling them and refreshing you!
It is so helpful to me! Especially on those days that I wake up with a bad attitude about everything…sitting down with the boys and trying to explain Scripture in a way they will understand pretty much always fixes my attitude.
Even though we may not have hours to devote to prayer or Bible Study, we can still incorporate things into our day…like talking to God while doing the dishes or folding the laundry (if your kids happen to be quiet at the time! Ha!). I like your idea of reading Bible stories to your kids. We got a couple devotionals for preschoolers that are really cute!! I prefer that to just the story of Moses or Noah, tho that is good, too!
Great post! One of my momma friends has a “prayer chair”, and she is teaching her children that when she sits in the chair they are not to disturb her. I love that idea, because it teaches our children that we serve God above them, and that they need to learn to respect and honor that as well.
That is an amazing idea!! Such a great way to show our children that we need to sit and be still.
My husband and I have started reading our Bibles together again and while it adds time to our routine, I feel like it simplifies our life by getting us on the same page!
It is so nice to be able to talk about what you are reading together and grow together in faith. Thanks for coming by, Sarah!
Great post! And great ideas! So much truth and encouragement here 🙂
I can pray to our Heavenly Father while cleaning the house, driving or going for a walk. Sunday is set aside for church and family time. Monday night we have family home evening, We start our day with a prayer as family and individual and end it in the same way. Scriptures are read overnight as a family and individual. It can be done.
These are great ways to model relationship with God to our children!! Thanks for coming over, Candy!
Thank you for sharing this! I have read a few spiritual books and love hearing how people incorporate it into their daily lives. Something I’m striving towards this year!
It is definitely something that we have to work at, Kendra!! It is always nice to know that we aren’t alone on our journey!
Thank you for sharing your journal with us. I love your ideas of simplifying our time with God. I’ve also had to come to peace with the little bits of time with God here and there. Thank you for confirming that what I do with my time of God is worthwhile. Thanks for refreshing my heart today
Aww, Ailie, I’m so glad that you found encouragement here! What we do as mommas is so hard, but so important! You are raising the next generation, men and women who will be strong and courageous, your work is well done!
God convicted me of this HARD over Christmas. There I was knee deep in a season that is supposed to be about Christ and I’m getting all caught up in gifts and cards. I have had to get up an hour and a half before the kids to sit at his feet but the time investment has more than paid off.
I’m glad that you have been able to get in that needed time, Leli! Waking early for time with the Lord, is something that only happens for a few months at a time for me, before it is back to sleeping in and grabbing those little moments throughout the day. For a few months between babies, I find that I am finally getting enough sleep, and our days are flowing well, so I am able to rise early and get in some devotional time and hot coffee, before the littles wake up.
You had me hooked in the first paragraph when you were talking about how God wants us to have enough rest and not to be disturbed. Doing less and loving him more has been my motto lately. I have been much less stressed. I love that God gave us his Spirit to guide us and that we don’t have to be overwhelmed. <3
I love that motto, Amy!! Having the Holy Spirit is such a wonderful blessing! Thanks for coming by!
Do you guys have The Jesus Story Book Bible? That is a great one to read with kids and it is written in a way that I feel is encouraging for adults too.
We do have the Jesus Bible Storybook Bible, Kristen! We LOVE it!! I recommend it to all the mommas I know! Like you mentioned, there are many times that I feel like I am learning more than my boys when I read it with them. Such a blessing!
You may have actually commented on my Instagram post about that now that I think of it! It is such a good one!
I read a book by this title by Donald Whitney that was SO GOOD! We can all get bogged down so easily!
Really? I’ll have to go look it up! Thanks for coming by, Branson!
As somebody who feels I need to go all in or not at all, this post was very helpful for me. I am very much in the season of littles and just can’t seem to commit to a full on bible study of any sort right now. But as you mention there are plenty of other ways to show glory to our God. I can’t wait to implement these ideas 🙂
Yay!! I’m glad you found some of the suggestions helpful, Ashley!!