Natural Ways to Prepare Toddlers for Cold and Flu Season
Colds and the flu start going around in Michigan in the end of September and those pesky things usually stay cycling around until warmer weather comes in late April or May. Our optional activities that we use to get us out of the house and around other people during Michigan’s dark months also mean that we are exposed to different viruses and illnesses. Lots of germs flying around.
Germs aren’t a bad thing for your toddler, momma. Don’t give up your activities because you are afraid that you will get sick. When your toddler is exposed to germs it gives their immune system a chance to work and gain strength. You can also help your little ones’ immune system out by using some of these natural immune boosters.
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Get Ready to Fight Germs with These Natural Remedies
Here are ways we will be naturally preparing to fight the flu, colds, and any other viruses that decide to come around this cold and flu season.
1. Liquid Vitamin D3
Our holistic chiropractor always has us increase our vitamin D3 in the fall and winter because here in West Michigan we don’t get enough sun for good D levels during those months. When we get sick we increase it even more. {Please note: we do this under the care of a licensed health care professional, check with your provider before starting any new supplements.} here is an interesting article about how Vitamin D supports the immune system.
2. Cod Liver Oil/Omega 3 Supplements
The best sources of omega 3’s are eggs, fish- especially wild caught salmon, flaxseeds and beans, most of these foods are ones that children don’t really like or eat enough of; most children also have an imbalance of omega 6 and omega 3 because the standard American diet contains far more omega 6 and not very many sources of omega 3. Omega 3’s help your toddler to fight inflammation and can also help their B cell production cells which fight disease.
3. High Quality Probiotics
Did you know that over 60% of your immune system is in your gut? Keeping our gut healthy means keeping it full of the right bacteria, if your child has an imbalance of gut bacteria that can make them more susceptible to disease. These probiotics taste so good my boys beg for them every morning.
This is especially important if you have a picky eater, or a child with food sensitivities/allergies who isn’t able to eat a lot of different foods. In theory it would be nice to say that we can get all of our vitamin and mineral needs from the food that we eat, but you and your toddler would need to be eating an amazing diet in order to do this, and as a busy boy momma I know this isn’t possible all the time. If you can a whole food supplement would be best, because your toddlers body would be able to absorb that much better than a synthetic vitamin.
5. Making Sure That Your Children Get Enough Sleep
Sleep helps your child’s body to produce cytokines, cells that help to fight infection and inflammation. Having a good sleep schedule can help keep your child from coming down with every single cold that goes around the church nursery or playdate group. Sleep will also help your little one to have better moods during the long, dark days of winter.
6. Eating a Nutrient Dense Diet
If you are wanting to change your diet to one that includes more nutrient dense, clean foods start with small steps. Slowly eliminate most processed foods, reduce sugar use, and add more vegetables and fruits into your diet. Frozen veggies and fruits work just as well as fresh and you can find them for a cheaper price than fresh. Start using the best meats that you can afford. Get stock bones and make homemade broth. Start helping your child make healthier snack choices with this fun game. Small steps add up to big changes, don’t be afraid to start making those changes.
While you are helping your child to build their immune system make sure that you are building your own too, momma. Get good sleep, nourish your body, exercise and gain strength. All of these things will help you to fight off colds and the flu too.
Here are some books that will also give you ways to help your child boost their immunity and ideas for natural remedies to help them fight off infections.
If you want to learn more about natural ways to boost your child’s immune system or about how you can help them to fight these once they have a cold or flu here are some books to help you on your journey:
The Nourshing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care by Sally Fallon Morell and Thomas S. Cowan
Sally Fallon has come under fire recently for recommending fermented cod liver oil and I am still unsure as to what I make of all that, but the rest of the information here about diet, baby and child care is sound. It is probably not a book that a main stream momma would like, because it talks about declining vaccinations, alternative remedies, and other natural things that excite crunchy mommas but may make others uncomfortable. Just a warning before you start reading it. 🙂
Digestive Wellness for Children:How to Strengthen the Immune System and Prevent Disease through Healthy Digestion by Elizabeth Lipski, P.H.D, C.C.N.
If you are someone who likes to have get your information from doctors and “more” educated authors than I urge you to start with this book first, Elizabeth uses studies to make her points and has lots of references for you to look up. This book includes many alternative therapies and remedies for different childhood ailments that can come from having a weakened immune system/gut; the gut contains up to 60% {possibly more depending on your source} of our immune system and if it is not functioning correctly than your immune system will not be able to do proper battle for you.
This book focuses a lot on the problems that having an Omega 3 deficiency can cause in your child; it address how hyperactivity and poor sleep cycles can be attributed to the lack of essential fatty acids, and also points out other dietary factors that could be causing a lowered immune system in your little one.
Mommy Diagnostics: The Art of Taking Care of Your Family, Revised and Expanded by Shonda Parker
Shonda Parker is a clinical herbalist who advocates for women to take care of their families with naturally remedies. You can find more information about her courses and books here. There are so many wonderful remedy options for common childhood illnesses, and also for those that aren’t so common, covered in this book. Shonda walks you through preparing your own natural medicine cabinet and gives a list of things that are indispensible for someone who wants to have a full natural arsenal in their possession. 🙂
Using these tips will help you to strengthen your child’s immune system and hopefully help them to avoid illness this cold and flu season.
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I am all about probiotics at the moment – so many benefits! Some research out there to show it helps with infant colic too!
That makes sense, because when our intestinal tract is filled with good stuff it is harder to make it sick.
I’m SO glad you posted this!! I’ve been looking into different vit D’s and probiotics for the kiddos the last few days! So excited! 🙂
Good! These brands are the ones my chiropractor recommends, I think you can get them on Amazon though. Hopefullu your littles stay healthy, Kala!
I’m so sorry they’ve been sick 🙁
I love this. We always use natural means such as D and cod liver oil to keep the immune system strong! Great post!
What kind of cod liver oil do you use? I’m still not sure if I’m going to stay with Green Pastures or if I should change to a non fermented kind that is also a little cheaper.
Great post! Pinned!
Thanks, Hannah! I hope you find it useful!