It has been a little slow around here lately, but for good reason because we are fully enjoying Andrew and his newborn stage. It is hard to believe that he is already over two months. He has brought so much joy to our family and I love seeing Ben, Seth and Cameron interact with him.
Andrew Is Ten Weeks
Andrew is a very laid back little man. He nurses like a champ, and while I let him nurse on demand right now I usually hear his demands for momma milk every two hours. He sleeps well at night and most of the night he will sleep in his Pack N’ Play in our room but still spends a little part of each night in our bed; for my sleep and sanity Andrew is regularly co-sleeping longer than the other boys did. Andrew usually wakes to nurse 3-4 times per night but unlike my other two he has already slept random stretches of 4-5 hours. I’m pretty sure neither Seth or Cameron did that until 3-4 months. It could be because of his size. Even though Andrew was my smallest baby so far, he is already the same length Seth was at 2 months and weighs more than Cameron did at 2 months!
We started using cloth diapers sooner with Andrew than with the other boys and I’m so glad we did! I about fell over the few times I decided to buy disposables. I’m using almost all the diapers from my stash right now; though I did go through it and am trying to resell some of the ones that aren’t my favorite.
Momma at Two Months Postpartum
I feel like we are finally starting to get back into some sort of routine and are now actually able to get some things done during the day besides survive. The house hasn’t been deep cleaned in a while but at least it is starting to look like we have it together. Some days are better than others, but on the whole we are back to “normal”.
After Cameron was born I had Postpartum Thyroiditis, which is when your thyroid goes crazy and bounces around between hypo {slow} and hyper {fast} whenever it wants. It can be dangerous but my case wasn’t too horrible. The one thing that was nice about that wasย because my thyroid went overactive first I lost weight rather quickly, actually by two months postpartum I only had maybe 5-8 pounds left to pre-pregnancy weight. If you have PPT once your chances double of having it in a subsequent postpartum period. This time around I don’t think PPT is happening, although it can crop up anywhere in the first year postpartum, or if it is I’m slightly on the hypo side, because weight loss has definitely been slower. And while I am happy that my body is responding well I have to admit that I kinda miss the easy weight loss. As of right now I have 19 lbs to go to reach pre-pregnancy weight. {Want some tips on postpartum care? Head over here to see how to make your postpartum experience better!}
For exercise, and mental health, I’m trying to run a couple of times a week. Other days I will do short workouts at home. With three boys now it is a little harder to get the workouts in so HIIT workouts work best for me. I get sweaty and feel like I did something in a short amount of time.
I’m still following Trim Healthy Mama for the most part. I did have an eczema flare up the other week, because I had too much sugar and because of my lowered immune system {thanks to lack of sleep} right now, which encourages me to stick pretty closely to plan. I HATE the itchiness of eczema and how it makes my hands look!
The Boys and Life
Seth and Cameron have adjusted so, so well to having a little brother. Seth loves to be my helper and hold Andrew while I do some things around the house. He also likes to sing silly songs when Andrew gets fussy.
Cameron also likes to love on Andrew, but he doesn’t quite have the hang of being gentle. He thinks that he can tackle Andrew to give him a hug, or squeeze his head while he gives him hugs. Cameron has had a little regression of sorts, he can’t do anything by himself, even things that he could do perfectly well before Andrew was born. But I’ll take that any day over purposely trying to hurt the baby or being jealous when I hold him.
As a family we’re just entering into a super crazy time of year. Ben is coaching a local homeschool varsity basketball team again this year and my little sister is getting married. So besides all the Christmas busyness we have family busyness because ALL my siblings will be here and we want to spend as much time as possible with them.
We had a lovely Thanksgiving spent with family. We got our Christmas tree last weekend and will decorate it this coming weekend. I need to pull out all the decorations and get some music going. I LOVE Christmas music and hymns!
We don’t currently have any snow in West Michigan but I’m hoping for some soon, I am ready for winter to be here.
Now that you are all caught up on our lives, I would love to hear about you! What have you and yours been up to lately? What is your favorite Christmas song or hymn? Do you have a crazy December? What about shopping? Are you done with your Christmas shopping?
I love these updates. I have a friend going through postpartum right now and I don’t know how to help her since I’m not a momma yet. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for coming by Kelsie! Maybe your friend will be able to find encouragement here. ๐
So sweet to hear how you are surviving! My oldest is named Andrew. Your post brought back a lot of good memories! God Bless:)
Aww, thanks! Yay for Andrews! ๐
Such a sweet family! I remember my journey of bouncing back after giving birth-an interesting journey each time! ๐
It is! And it is an area I feel women newd more support in as well. We don’t have to do it all!
It’s nice to read about someone going through the same things! My daughter is also 10 weeks. It’s been a real adjustment for me for sure! Two is much more difficult than one. We are hanging in there though and getting used to it. When do you usually workout?! I’m struggling to make time to workout, blog and nap with a toddler and a newborn. I get a chance to run once or twice a week on the weekends, but then I usually resort to HIIT workouts too.
Hey Tricia! Each week gets a little easier.
I normally workout in the morning, unless I’m running and then I’ll go in the afternoon or early evening.
The easiest thing for me to do to get back into routine is to pick 3-5 things that I want done EVERY morning and then work on those things every morning. It getw easier as you do it so soon your list will take one-two hours instead of all morning or all day. It’s really about priorities at this stage with a newborn.
My normal morning consists of: breakfast, laundry, dishes, devotions and exercise. It takes a couple of hours and then shower and coffee as a reward for getting things done.