Last week Erica from Raising Munchies invited me to share what/where my happy place is. Erica and I have a lot in common. We share some similar happy places, like running, quiet time with Jesus and those moments of rest with a cup of coffee.
I’m finding that thinking about my happy places is bringing out an attitude of thankfulness, something very appropriate for the week of thanksgiving. If you have joined in on the #onemonthofthankfulness challenge on Instagram than you may have seen some of my happy places already, but I’ll share them anyways.
I love camping. It doesn’t matter where. Camping will rank at the top of my happy places list. It might be a lot of work getting ready and getting there, but the memories and family time is so worth it.
I find long walks good for my soul. They lift my mood and are a good form of exercise.
Speaking of exercise I find happiness in long bike rides and runs. Any form of exercise that helps me work up a sweat and takes me outside makes me happy.
I find happiness in serving others.
I find happiness in the kitchen. I love creating new recipes and when they turn out the first time there is much satisfaction.
I find happiness in writing. I love journals and notebooks and blogs and everything that has anything to do with writing.
I find happiness in playing the piano. It is a place where I don’t have to control my emotions and I can let the music flow.
I find happiness in singing and worship.
I find happiness when I listen to my little one recite Bible verses.
These things in themselves are not bad. But it is when I have moments of unhappiness, when I let the bigger picture slip from my mind, that problems arise.
Things that make me happy can fail; things I find comfort in now will not last. True Joy is found in the Lord. #momlife Click To TweetThings that make me happy can fail. Things that I find comfort in now will not last.
My joy is found in the Lord.
I need to rejoice in trials because they test my faith and that helps me to grow and be complete in God.
I have everything in the world to be happy and filled with joy over; I have an eternal salvation, I have a relationship with the One who saved my soul, I have an inheritance that will not fade, undefiled and imperishable.
The only place I am truly happy and filled with joy is in Jesus. Living through his Spirit, having a relationship with the Father.
Wonderful happy places, even better place of joy!
Beautifully written. I think we share many of the same happy places (except I can’t play the piano). Happy is nice, but joy is everlasting! Happy Thanksgiving!
Amen! I love it! You are so right… nothing in this world compares to Him. Rejoicing in our trials is so important. We grow the most in those situations. As I look back over those hard, hard times in my life, I know how hard it was going through it. Truly like walking through the fire. But I never walk so closely to Him than in those days. Beautiful words! Thank you for sharing.
I’m with you on all those happy places 🙂
Good post. I’ve never experienced the happiness of running…’s on my bucket list. :). But I’ve experienced the true joy in Jesus. Amen!