To the Mom Worried about Her Child’s Future
Dear Mom Worried About Her Child’s Future,
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I look at the world that my boys are growing up in and I wonder: What are things going to look like when they are men? How will the world treat believers when my little boys aren’t boys and babies anymore, when they have families? Will we still even be on this earth? I admit it, I get worried about my child’s future. Not being here wouldn’t be bad, if there was some magical formula to turn my child and their free will to Christ, and into a man that seeks to stand for Him, but there isn’t.
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How Do We Get Rid of the Worry?
Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve really been struggling with this question: what do we do with the worry? And what about our children?
Yes, I know, we cast all our cares. That is great, and I try to, I really do. It can sometimes seem like I am bringing the same bundle of worries to the Father…I can’t tell you how glad I am that we have Jesus and the Holy Spirit interceding for us at the Father’s hand. It’s a good thing I can’t understand God because if I were He, I would be SOOOOOO annoyed that I kept bringing the same things to Him. I’m so glad that He understands us in our weaknesses, that Jesus came as a man and knows what it is like to be worried, anxious, and in anguish over human things.
This wonderful promise from God helps to relieve my worry about my children's futures. Click To TweetA WONDERFUL Promise from God
So last week, when I came to the fifth chapter on 1 John in my study time, I was so glad to read this promise straight from God:
“Everyone who has been born of God OVERCOMES the world.” 1 John 5:4
This was so encouraging to my heart because:
It may seem that the world wins right now. War, disease, racism, hatred- many days it seems like Satan and the world are killing it in this great spiritual battle. We then look at our innocent, precious children and wonder what life will be like for them.
What evils do we need to prepare them to battle?
How do we raise soldiers who can stand and fight against such adversity?
What weapons do we give them?
What do we do when we come face to face with our human frailty and are left is despair? Check out this beautiful promise from the Father. Click To TweetBut, dear momma, these questions often focus on what WE can do. Rather than trusting the Father to prepare them for battle, to gird them with courage and truth, and to supply weapons that will tear down every wall of Satan’s strongholds, we face the reality of our human frailty and we are left in despair.
We cannot make our children becomes followers of Christ.
We cannot force them to put Him first in their lives and to turn their backs on the world.
We cannot force them to accept the free gift of grace and eternal salvation that God is holding out to all.
WE cannot.
Dear Mom Worried About Her Child’s Future, What Can We Do Then?
Do you want to know the biggest things that we can do for our children?
Point them to Jesus. We need to teach them what it means to have a relationship with Him. We need to show them how to trust that He will supply our needs.
Evaluate our priorities to make sure that we are using our time wisely, teaching the Word of God diligently to our children “When you sit in your house, and when we walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” Deuteronomy 6:7
Pray for them. {Check out these five unique ways to pray for your children today!}
We need to be honest to them. We shouldn’t pretend we are perfect and that we have it all figured out, rather we should be honest in our imperfections.
Remind them as they grow that even though it seems the devil has this round in his pocket, WE OVERCOME.
Rejoice! As children of God, bought with the blood of Christ, wearing white robes of royalty, sanctified and made pure, WE OVERCOME.
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Dear Mom Desperately Trying to be Mary
This is so timely. Just last night I was laying awake crying to God about the fears I have for my kids as they live in this world especially after the latest shooting at the Texas church. Thank you for addressing the issue so honestly.
Oh, Amber! I’m so glad that you found this encouraging!!
Teaching children this good theology is a tall order, but one that I aspire to every day! I hope and pray that I can teach my children with wisdom like Deuteronomy 6:7 describes! 🙂
Ahhh, good reminder. With all that is happening lately, I’ve started to wonder what kind of world my children will grow up in. How easily we forget that the God who holds the world knows our fate and the fate of our children – and HE wins!
Isn’t that a great promise!!!
Such great thoughts. I often get caught up in wanting to protect them. When I get caught in the but I can’t…protect them, make them love God, etc…-mode, I repeat to myself…I TRUST YOU GOD. Until I’ve said it so many times, that I remember Who He is, and that He loves these sweet children more than I do. And then, like you, I pray, pray, pray! Thanks for this encouragement today.
THat’s a great tip, speaking outloud to the Lord that our trust is in him! Thanks for coming by!
Jesus warns us that we will have trouble in this world, but to take heart because he has overcome the world! Because he has overcome the world, we are overcomers! Thanks for the reminder! Blessings, Misty