30 weeks already! I can’t believe how quickly this pregnancy is flying by! There have definitely been changes since the last bumpdate 5 weeks ago. The bump is bigger, BabyT#3 is more active, my diet is almost always Trim Healthy Mama approved and my house is cleaner thanks to nesting.
One thing that hasn’t changed is BabyT#3’s lack of name. With Seth and Cameron we took three names to the hospital and then decided once we seen them. But this time Ben and I can’t even agree on first and middle names let alone starting to put them together and make three names. I seriously only liked 2 of the names he had written down after he went through the baby name book and I don’t know that I want them as names for my baby! We could be in serious trouble people.
My Stats:
Weight: I weighed in yesterday at 30 lbs above pre-pregnancy weight. So only 3 pounds since my last Bumpdate here on the blog. Yay for Trim Healthy Mama!
Cravings: Lemon water again. It helps keep my sweet tooth under control and it is so refreshing for these muggy West Michigan days we have been having lately.
Diet and Exercise: I have been almost completely on the THM plan since 25 weeks. There have been a few cheat meals but even with those I try to follow the principles behind THM, keeping fats and carbs seperate with lots of protein for either choice. I have found I do better with crossover meals (45grams of carbs + unlimited protein + fat) if I want to eat carbs a couple times a day rather than eating carb + protein only meals.
I’m still exercising most days. My runs have turned into running and walking intervals and I’m okay with that. Not sure how much longer I’ll be feeling up to those running intervals.
What I’m Loving: Fresh, cold veggies and fruits. Slow days. Sleep. The thought that there are only approximately 9 weeks (if BabyT#3 follows his older brothers) until BabyT#3 is here. Deep cleaning.
What I’m NOT:
Trying to shave. It’s kinda hard to get around the belly. ๐
BabyT#3’s Stats:
Weight: Right around 3 pounds now. Seth was 5 pounds 13 ounces at 37 weeks and Cameron was 8 pounds 7 ounces at 39 weeks so I’m really interested to see how big BabyT#3 will be.
Between 15-16 inches. {Crazy side note: Did you know if BabyT#3 kept growing at the rate he is now for his entire first year he would be almost 200 lbs at his first birthday? 8| }
I kinda already explained that above but so you see it here as well, no name for BabyT#3 yet.
Now it’s your turn! Did/do you use cloth diapers or disposable? If you used cloth did you start out with cloth right away or wait a few weeks?
What have been the weights of your babies?
Any name suggestions you want to throw our way? ๐
7# and something ounces. ๐ And he turns 17 today…
But the funny part of the story is that I was sure I was having a girl, I just knew that was my punishment for all the havoc I created growing up, and I totally obsessed over the name and could not for the life of me come up with a good one… I finally settled on the one I hated least, and then found out it was a boy and had a name in 24 hours that I LOVED! ๐
Aww! Happy belated birthday Mr T! ๐
We just started working on our lists and trying to get some first and middle names together. It isn’t going badly and I actually like quite a few of the ones we have come up with so far.
Isaiah was 6 pounds 11 ounces and Olive was 8 pounds 11 ounces. Olive stayed in my belly 4 weeks longer than Isaiah so seems fitting that she was exactly 2 pounds heavier. ๐ Names are sooo hard!!! How about Micah? Josiah? โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ Good luck!!! โค๏ธ And you look beautiful!! ๐
I love Micah and Josiah! I think we’re actually starting to get some names we agree on.
Aww! Thanks! You just did this pregnant lady’s heart good. ๐
Did/do you use cloth diapers or disposable? Cloths since baby # 5. And right away. But I always have a couple of disposable diapers for when we travel or when I’m too sleepy to do the laundry ๐
What have been the weights of your babies? 1. 6pounds 9oz, 2. 8pounds 8oz, 3. 8pounds 4oz, 4. 7pounds, 5. 10pounds 11oz (ouch!), 6. 8pounds 2oz. If this tlittle one turns around 7.5pounds I will be happy, hihi!
Any name suggestions you want to throw our way? I’m French so not really good with English names!
You look fabulous, keep it up mama!
We do disposable when we travel as well. I have the cloth diapers to start when BabyT#3 is a newborn, I think the biggest thing is going to be convincing my hubby. ๐ Growing up my mom used cloth from the start with the babies I remember (I only remember the youngest two being babies) because they were home births and she didn’t want to spend money on the disposable.
I have a feeling this little boy is going to be bigger than his brothers. But I hope that is a wrong feeling. ๐ Hopefully your baby will be smaller for you. ๐
Thanks Isis! Hope you have a lovely day!
I’ve been cloth diapering since Maria was about 2 months I think. It’s going very well. But she will soon grow out of them (I’m using Bambino Mios) and I don’t know whether to try OSFA pocket diapers, or fitted diapers, or… The options are kinda overwhelming!
Maria was 3.24 kg (about 7 pounds) at birth and around 7 kg now.
Do you know if you’re having a girl or boy?
I love the ease of pocket diapers! My hubby likes that they are ‘like’ disposable in how you put them on. But I also like prefold and fitted diapers as well. I have a little of everything in my stash. ๐
We’re having a boy. So we’ll have three little men to raise. So far anyways. I would love the blessing of a girl, but I may have to wait until my boys get married for that.
Aw this is lovely! I enjoy reading posts like this. I am also sticking to the THM plan for my pregnancy, 26 weeks right now. I’ve also been in the mood for lemon water. So refreshing!
I plan on using cloth diapers but I have no idea where to start. This is my first baby so just figuring things out … and I’m so eager as to how big this baby will be! All of my sibling were over ten pounds and I was 11 lbs 2 oz at my birth at 39 weeks. I’m not sure if that’s one of the things daughters often follow but hoping THM helps with that ๐
Whoa! Your poor mother lol!
I think Lemon water helps to keep me regular as well. ๐
Thanks for coming by! There are lots of awesome diapers now, it can be super hard to decide what to use and what brands. I’ve gotten some of mine second hand, and bought some new but I definitely have a few different kinds and I like them all for different times.