My 2018 Reading List
One area that many people set goals in every year is personal development. For some that includes going to conferences, Bible Study goals, achieving certain fitness goals, and reading. One area that I personally want to do better in this year is reading. You know as well as I, busy momma, that reading can be hard to get in as we go about our daily lives with littles who need to eat, want us to play with them or cuddle, and schooling and housekeeping that needs to be done. However, this year I will have a newborn again and that means midnight wake up calls and lots of sitting during nursing sessions. Besides fueling my body properly I also want to take that time to feed my brain. So here is my 2018 reading list:
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Fit to Burst
I loved Loving the Little Years, and having just started Fit to Burst I know that I will love this one too. Rachel is honest and refreshing in her writing, I usually want to underline the whole book. That is how I know it is a good book, by how much I have underlined and almost cried over. 😉
Hands Free Mama
Mom Enough
I got this one for Christmas and it is probably one that I will read after Fit to Burst. It is a compilation of several authors that I love including Rachel Jancovic and Gloria Furman.
Sweet Sleep: Nighttime and Naptime Strategies for the Breastfeeding Family
This is one that I have had for a while and started but I haven’t made it all the way through. Especially with BabyT4 arriving soon, I would love to refresh my memory on the rules to follow for safe cosleeping.
Raising Free Range Kids
I saw this in a bookstore once and thought the title sounded great. It was on my reading list last year too, but I never got to it.
Shepherding A Child’s Heart
This one is a re-read for me, but it has been a few years, so I’m looking forward to going through it again and seeing how I can apply it to my mothering now.
The Strong Willed Child
Sell Your Book Like Wildfire
I have my first ebook launch in a couple of months and I hope that reading this will give some great tips and strategies to follow to make it an amazing launch.
How to Blog for Profit Without Selling Your Soul
Another reread. As I seek to make changes here to improve the quality of posts and content, I will be flipping through this info packed book and slowly making improvements.
Birth Ambassadors
I haven’t read any birthy/doula books in a while, so I’m super excited about this one!
Money Making Mom
Super Moms Inc
This was another recommendation, I’m not sure where I will find it, but the title sounds interesting.
Make Money Blogging
The 12 Week Year
The One Thing
168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think
Minimalism for Families
Cultivate: A Grace-Filled Guide to Growing an Intentional Life {find this by following the link below}
Make It Happen: Surrender Your Fear. Take the Leap. Live on Purpose. {find this by following the link below}
The Life Giving Home
This book by Sally Clarkson has been recommended to me by so many different people, so I want to take that recommendation and read through it. I love Sally’s books and have mentioned them in these two other posts, so I know that I will love this one too.
The Total Money Makeover
Ben and I are going to a local Dave Ramsey conference in April, so I want to get this one re-read before then. Just so I can have notes and then make new notes at the conference. 😊
The Anne of Green Gables Series
It’s been quite a while since I have read through all of these, so I want to go through them again. I love the series and my boys love the movies, it might be something that we try reading aloud.
This is one of my favorite books on my bookshelf! I love all the interesting little tidbits you find in it about living off the land, how to use herbs, and flavor wild game. And the story is pretty awesome too.
The Education of Little Tree
I found this at a resale shop and it looked interesting. I’m hoping it is a good read and not super boring. 😊
Pride and Prejudice
I’ve already read this a few times, but I love it!!
There will be more fiction titles that I read for sure, as I read aloud with the boys almost every school day. I’m just not sure what all we will read this year. If you have any good read aloud suggestions, I will gladly take them all to add to our 2018 reading list!
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There are some seriously awesome books on here! I love this idea. Thanks Rebekah!
You have quite the list here! I love Anne of Green Gables and Pride and Prejudice! I hope you can find a lot of time to read this year 🙂
What a great list! I feel like I could put each one of these on my shelf! Now, what are your tips to finding time to read them all, haha. First time on your site, and I’ll be back for more!!!
Hi Christi! I’m not sure why I’m just seeing your comment on my reading list post, and I wanted to reply even though it has been so long since you asked about finding time for reading. I have to put time in my planner for reading. I try to get in 15 minutes per day, some days that happens, other days it doesn’t. I am a fast reader too, but in order to make sure that I am really learning from the books, I try to take notes and go slower than normal. At least for the non-fiction ones.
I’ve got some of these on my list as well! Thanks for a free new ideas 😊
Wow, this is an ambitious list. I love that you have books in every section of your life. I have a bunch of personal books I want to read but nothing yet for blogging or personal growth so I will have to think about that.
What a wonderful list! May I ask how you make time to read so many books?
Hi Hannah, I’m not sure why I am just finding this comment, but here is your answer. 🙂 I have to put time in my daily schedule for reading. I try to get in 15 minutes of reading each day. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t.