Dear Tired Momma,
We’ve all been there.
Exhausted from night feedings, fussy babies, littles who won’t nap together and never ending housework.
As a girl I always wondered why my mom was constantly tired. Now I know. Not only is there physical exhaustion there can also be emotional exhaustion. I am a tired toddler mom.
The days of trying to keep calm through yet another melt down and keeping on a brave face after the toddler falls down the stairs, or off the bunk-bed, wear on our souls.
Here are a few ways that you can refresh and recharge at home. Most of these are free. Unless you don’t have the chocolate. Get that on your next run for diapers or wipes if you can, then you’ll be prepared.
1. Take a shower.
Take your baby in the bathroom with you. Get out craft supplies or playdoh for your littles, remove hazardous objects like scissors and set imagination free. Escape to the bathroom and use up any hot water that is left in your hot water heater. That early morning load of clothes or diapers you need and forgot to start last night shouldn’t have used too much. You might even have enough to shave.
2. Eat some chocolate.
It’s scientifically proven to help you feel better. Seriously. Chocolate releases endorphins and seratonin in your body. It’s a natural anti-depressant. So go grab some out of your stash, just don’t let the littles see you.
3. Get some fresh air.
It will help you clear your mind. Your todder will benefit from this as well. Play tag. Jump around. Run a race. Go on a walk.
4. Take a nap.
Just do it. If your littles don’t nap at least have some quiet time. Put in a movie and cuddle on the couch.
5. Nourish your body.
Good nutrition is important as you work to rebuild your body’s nutrient stores that are lost during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Bone broth, proteins, vegetables of every color, fruits and little sugar will rebuild your vitamin and mineral store and strengthen your body. Make sure you take time to eat balanced nutrient dense meals. Making a weekly meal plan like this one will help destress your days. If you know what you are making you will be able to do meal prep when you have help around.
6. Nourish your soul.
Meditate on Scripture. Do deep breathing several times a day. Pray. Start a gratitude journal. Sing hymns around the house.
7. Go for a drive and get a coffee or tea.
Okay, so this isn’t one you do at home and I haven’t personally done this yet, but I have seriously thought about it. Put the kids in their seats, grab a cd or audiobook and go for a drive. Stop and get a coffee or tea, from a drive-through so you don’t need to unbuckle the littles and wake the toddler. Or if you don’t want to buy a coffee make some at home and take a travel mug with you. Listen to the music, sip your hot drink and feel peace drift into your heart.
Dear tired momma, I pray that today you will find some rest; That you will find your soul nourished, and that you get to drink a cup of tea while it is hot.
Tired Toddler Mom, Tired Newborn Momma, you are NOT alone.
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Thank you for the reminder. My kids didn’t sleep all night. This was a great read for me today.
I’m sorry Theresa! I hope you have been able to get a couple good nights’ sleep since then! And had some chocolate. ๐
I hear ya! Am in the midst of this crazy, fun stage in life! Love the tips to help moms recharge right at home.
Thanks! I don’t want people to think that the whole newborn/toddlerhood stage is about survival, but some days it is, ’cause motherhood is tiring. The few things I’ve mentioned above always help me to feel refreshed but I fibd that every so often I need reminders that it is okay to do them or to take time for the secretb piece of chocolate or the ten minutes of quiet time.
This was great. Taking a long hot shower was my favorite part. I always feel rushed.
Sometimes you just gotta do it! ๐
Such simple and great tips. All of these things helped/still help me when I’m just worn down and exhausted as mom.
Thanks Tessa, being a momma is tiring, we have to remember that we need to take some time for ourselves, to rest up a bit and to eat some chocolate. ๐
Thank God for Starbucks drive thru! When I just can’t do it anymore, I pack the kids in the car and off we go for that drive and espresso!
I love a drive through! Will your littles nap for you on the way there and back?
It’s so important for mamas to be able to recharge. Some practical tips here.
It is! And it doesn’t just effect mommas if they don’t take this important time…it effects the whole family!
A very big yes to all of these! One of my favorites is the coffee drive-thru. That one is for the really long days where I could really use some time away, but can’t get any…I get the kids strapped in and we drive around a bit for a treat. That way everyone is a bit refreshed! Thank you for linking up with us! #TakeTime
Love my little drive thru stop. ๐ They have my order memorized. ๐
This is great! Just this morning I was feeling stressed trying to pick between writing and cleaning house while my daughter naps. You know what I decided? To take a shower. I also love the going for a drive for coffee! I can relate to that one so much, too.
We have got to take care of ourselves as mommas! When we don’t have anything left in us then we can’t help our children and our husbands like they need. If we are run down and exhausted it will also br harder to do the work God has planned for us too.