One of the questions about pregnancy that I have been asked the most in the past few weeks is:
“Are you going to try to have a natural (vaginal) birth again?”
It sorta blows my mind that people would think that I would have one vaginal birth after a cesarean and then not try the same thing the next time. Nothing has changed since the Cesarean Section and my successful VBAC that would change my mind. I’m not sure if they are wondering about the pain that accompanies a vaginal birth or the “ease” of a cesarean section as far as planning goes or if they wonder if the length of my VBAC labor {it was a longer (at least 13 hours that I remember), easier early labor with an intense active labor of 4 hours, very normal for a “first time” momma- which I was considered because of the fact that I had no previous vaginal births} scared me into not wanting to attempt it again. But what ever the reason it is something that people are seriously wondering about. So today’s post is an attempt to try to answer those questions.
Why I am attempting going to have a second vaginal birth after a cesarean:
*because I have already proved that my body works. It was created to birth babies.
*I have been through the recovery of both a cesarean section and a vaginal birth and the recovery after a vaginal birth was a bazillion times better than the c-section recovery.
How I am preparing for a second VBAC:
*I’ve been preparing my mind by reading positive and encouraging birth stories, by reminding myself that I can do it and I have done it and by visualizing how this birth will go.
*I have a supportive birth team behind me. Ben, my doula and my OB all support my choice to have a vaginal birth.
*I have studied the risks and benefits of vaginal birth after a c-section vs the risks of repeat c-sections.
*I have been exercising so I will have a stronger body and one that handles labor better than if I hadn’t been taking time to workout.
*I have read natural birth books and thought about my different options for handling labor: movement, how to handle pain, pushing positions and options for after the birth.
*I have been eating better so that I will be healthier when pregnant, during labor and the postpartum period.
Here is a more detailed list of how you can prepare for a vaginal birth after a c-section.
Encouragement for the unsure momma:
You CAN do it! Your body was beautifully designed to birth your baby.
Find a provider who supports you, in all your choices- if you want to avoid vaginal checks to assess dilation a supportive provider will agree to do the very least amount possible and there are other ways to figure out how far you are in labor than cervical checks like the noises you are making and the way you are reacting to contractions, if you want other options for testing for gestational diabetes a supportive provider will go over your options with you, if you want delayed cord clamping or skin to skin after birth a supportive provider will tell you why those are the best options and be excited to assist you. Sometimes it may seem impossible to find a provider who will support you in all decisions, in those cases I highly recommend that you do your research and know different studies so that you can ask your provider to give you evidenced based care.
Hire a doula and go over your fears with her, if you have questions a doula should be willing to help you find resources and education to answer them.
Remember that knowledge is power. So, so true in the area of vaginal birth after a c-section and really for anyone who wants a natural birth.
Know that a failed first attempt at a VBAC does NOT mean that you cannot try again with your next baby.
Have you had a VBAC? What encouragement or advice can you give to the momma who is thinking about trying for a vaginal birth but is unsure?
I second your suggestion for getting a doula! She was a key player in helping me understand what my choices were and helping me make sense of which stage of labor I was in during specific moments. Having her with me and my husband throughout the whole process helped us to not let fear drive the process. I cannot stress enough how important she was in my daughter’s birth.
I would love to read your daughters birth story! Doulas are amazing! My VBAC experience with my doula was one of the reasons I decided to become a doula myself. 🙂
All I know is I crossed my legs after the first sentence and they may never come undone! 🙂
LOL!! You can just wait a few more years for grandbabies right?
Exactly! Lol!
That is such an odd question. I had a VBAC with my son and it wouldn’t be a thought if I had a third what I would do. Amen to the easier recovery!!! You can do it mama, you’ve got this, no question.
Thanks!! I’m excited about it but nervous too. Each birth is going to be different and that’s the part I’m nervous about.