Where did the time go?
Last year I was dealing with an infant and a toddler, this year it is a toddler and a preschooler.
At fifteen months Cameron has just started sleeping through the night. He still nurses frequently during the day, I don’t see that stopping anytime soon either. Both of us still enjoy nursing so we’ll keep going for a while.
We are working on transitioning from two naps to one. Most days he is taking one but sometimes he needs two.
Cameron is a big fan of meat. If there is meat on his plate he will eat the meat first and ask for seconds. He also likes nut butter.
It was supposed to be apples and cashew/sunflower seed butter, it turned into just nut butter.
“Aren’t I so cute!”
He isn’t very interested in vegetables, even ones that most kids love like peas and carrots. Mashed potatoes are a no go as well. He used to like banana’s but now he mashes them in his mouth and then spits them out. I’m wondering if he doesn’t like certain textures like his daddy.
Cameron has lots of words that only momma knows as words. Most of them are the same sound that you have to use in context. “Ba” could mean bite, bye or book.
Cameron is getting into everything. He started walking around one month ago and is almost running now. He loves to wrestle with brother and also likes to pick on him.
They boys get along most of the time, but some days not at all. Seth likes it when Cameron helps him pick up but if Cameron tries to help Seth build something a war will start.
Cameron is very cuddly and loves to give hugs and kisses. He also loves to head bang people, so take warning, sometimes his kisses hurt.
We’re working with Cameron on coming when he is called and obeying simple commands. He does well with two-step processes. Pick it up and bring it here, go to your seat and sit down, etc.
I can’t believe my VBAC baby is over a year!
My son is 15 months as well. I swear it goes by ten times as quickly with the second one. I am so happy to watch how much he is growing and developing but I cannot believe my baby is not a baby anymore!! Your messy little guy and mine would get along heavenly I think!
Isn’t it crazy how fast time goes by? My son is turning two in September, it’s crazy. Cameron sounds like an awesome little guy and very cute, too!